Monday, February 24, 2014

The cost of weakness.

   It's been a while since I've ripped libtards a new anal orifice, so I'm going to overdose on it. Put on your scuba suits and such and break out the steam cleaners...there's going to be pieces everywhere.
   The action that has aroused my legendary verbal ire is this:
Hagel plans to shrink military
   "Birds of a feather flock together," my grandmother taught me. "Competence attracts competence."
   In Barack Hussein Obama's quest for power, his lack of military service and exceptionally limited knowledge has attracted INcompetence. Had Il Douche actually had some military experience, he would have picked someone who knows something about the military to be Secretary of Defense.
   Secretary Hagel wants to cut the military budget and shrink the US Army to its lowest level since before World War 2. To quote a Senior Pentagon Official,
   "You have to always keep your institution prepared, but you can’t carry a large land-war Defense Department when there is no large land war."
   Someone wake up Hagel.
   School is in session.
   First and foremost, the days of drafting large numbers of warm bodies to throw at a military problem quickly are GONE. I'll give you an example.
   For centuries, infantry has been considered the dumbest of the dumb, pure cannon fodder. A haven for unemployables. To quote a Libtard Elitist about twenty seconds before my highly-trained hands rearranged his face and mindset in 1985, "Military Service is for losers."
   Infantry isn't cannon fodder. It takes 3 months (12 weeks for you libtards) to produce ONE basic infantryman.
   For the record, "Basic Training" IS NOT "Infantry Training."
   When the next war starts, our future enemies are NOT going to knock on our door and say "Hey America, we're going to attack!" Nope. They're going to attack when it best suits them. They're not going to give us time to build up a military. They will attack until they have achieved their goals. PERIOD.
   Chucky, the lesson to learn here is you need a spine to tell Il Douche the time to have a properly sized, equipped and trained military is the day BEFORE anyone attacks, not the day after. Here's your dunce cap, go sit in the corner, I'll get back to you later.

   If Barack Obama spent more time LEARNING instead of "community organizing" (whatever the fuck THAT is), he would understand what happens when you cut military forces without thinking about it.
   A classic example is the end of World War Two. America went overboard in budget cuts. The Armed Forces that stomped the crap out of imperialism and fascism couldn't react quickly enough to a sudden war in a place called Korea.
   President Truman thought having The Bomb would be enough to deter future aggression. It didn't.
   What was the cost of not being ready? Besides 178,000 dead and over 566,000 wounded? Spend billions and billions of dollars. The West nearly lost South Korea to Communism.
   Barack, here's your dunce cap.

   Barack Obama and Chuck Hagle does not understand the cost of weaknesss. Bet they'd master the lesson if budget cuts included their security details, which is where the next round of sequester cuts should come from!

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