Sunday, October 13, 2013

Silence of the Media

   Today, several thousand veterans paid a visit to the World War Two Memorial. The first thing they did was tear down the "Barrycades" and made sure the Park Police did not put the Barrycades back or run people out.
   They admired their handiwork and greeted WW2 veterans visiting their memorial. Sarah Palin,Ted Cruz and Mike Lee were there, showing solidarity with the veterans. They gave well-received speeches.
   Meanwhile, the media called it a "Tea Party" rally, their tone indicating the rally consisted of "misfits" "freaks" and "extremists."
   (Pay no attention, citizen, move along. Next up, Miley Cyrus licks herself again!)
   Then the veterans took the Barrycades to the White House. One Wounded Warrior put a Barrycade on his Segueway!
   That rates a 11.0 on the "HOOAH" scale! WELL DONE!

   One point five miles later, the Barrycades were stacked in a pile in front of the White House. Riot police came in and formed a little cutesy line:

   Let's make one thing abundantly clear. These riot police DID NOT STOP the veterans from going any further. They were badly outnumbered, surrounded and had they started any crap, they would have learned those cutesy collapsible riot batons can fit into a certain orifice.
   No doubt the media will pat them on the back for "standing tall," but the truth is that had the veterans did not want to fight today. Had they chosen to knock down the fence and take the White House, nothing could have stopped them.
   The veterans WERE NOT INTIMIDATED by the likes of these guys. Let's be honest: MANY of these veterans went toe to toe with REAL badasses. They survived far worse than a cop with a badge, Glock a riot baton and an attitude problem can dish out. The vets could have "swarmed" (five or so people on one--common police arrest technique) the riot cops, disarmed them, shoved those cutesy nightsticks in a certain orifice and kept going.
   But you won't hear THAT from the media either.
   The veterans gathered in front of the White House, completely unarmed. Let me synopsize the situation.
   The veterans were:
   Facing police with riot batons. Snipers on the WH roof. Secret Service agents ready to fire.
   Inside, IL Douche probably had this conversation with Bush 43...

   A few minutes later:

   Il Douche, The Bravest Rockstar Holy Messiah Savior Awesomenest Mommy-Daddy figure, RAN from unarmed vets on the wrong side of the fence.
   You won't hear THAT from the media.
   I will be surprised to hear ANYTHING about WHY Obama ran (excuse me, began an unscheduled family outing) from UNARMED citizens.
   Today proved three things in such a clear fashion nobody, not even those mush-brained Democrat cheerleaders at MSNBC can deny.
   1: The veterans were VERY restrained. Remember the vast majority were trained to KILL before they received their MOS (Military Occupational Specialty--job) training.
   2: Obama never had the trust or respect of the veterans. The shutdown only cemented that mistrust. With his shutdown, he guaranteed the veteran's block of voters will never vote Democrat ever again.
   3: Obama ran from UNARMED vets. This shows a lack of trust in his own security and police. It also shows something more.
   Several thousand CITIZENS stood up to tyranny and ran Obama out of "HIS HOME." Never forget that. When push came to shove, UNARMED VETERANS chased Barack Hussein Obama, the "Leader of the Free World" and "Most Powerful Man on Earth" OUT OF WASHINGTON.
   That's a FIRST in HISTORY.
   Anyone who has Secret Service protection, living in the most heavily-guarded AND FORTIFIED residence in America who runs from an UNARMED CROWD has no spiritual, intellectual, moral or physical courage.
   The media cannot praise Obama, so all you will hear is their silence.

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