But what do you do when you are faced with a variety of INTERNAL threats?
America has an economy that doesn't seem to improve. Unemployment numbers go down, but welfare recipients go up. Solyndra. Quantitatve easing makes the dollar worth less and material goods more expensive (a trip to the gas station is like a proctologist's exam sans lubrication).
We have a bloated government more interested in outings than serving the citizens.
Remember the GSA scandal? Millions of dollars spent on overpaid employees to do next to nothing and receive lavish outings and vacations for doing it.
We have an overregulatory government that is the problem, not the solution.
Obamacare alone has 13,000 PAGES of regulations.
We have a corrupt government more interested in maintaining political power than doing its job. For example, Benghazi.
The coverup (excuse me, alignment of talking points for 'accuracy') afterwards in order to convince America that Barack Hussein Obama killed Osama Bin Laden, saved the day, and the attack on Benghazi was a spontaneous outpouring of rage because of an obscure YouTube video made by an American (and we're sorry we have the 1st Amendment!) The coverup worked long enough to keep Obama in office, but that annoying Benghazi thing went on the back burner.
We have bureaucrats and politicians who don't give a damn about the Constitution.
The Newtown Massacre put the Rahm Emanuel axiom of "Never let a crisis go to waste" to the test.
Barack Obama decided a "national debate on gun control" was just the thing to distract the people from Benghazi once and for all. For once Obama was doing something more than fundraising. He had old Joking Joe Biden out in the trenches and Diane Feinstein dusting off her draconian gun confiscation measures. He even brought family members of the victims on Air Force One to plead with the Senate to sign off on Obama's power-grab. (note he did not bring family members of victims who opposed gun control.)
Obama did not see this picture
The blatant assault on the Constitution woke a lot of Americans up. The NRA's membership jumped to a record 5 million members.
After Obama's election, there was a heavy shortage of ammunition. Millions of Americans started buying guns and ammunition. Now it's a drought.
Obama and his media whores said, "The people deserve a vote."
The people got a vote and all of Obama's fantasy-list gun confiscation and bans were voted down strongly by a Senate that was perhaps one of the most watched votes in its history. Obama's effort to disarm Americans failed.
Reeling from the Second Amendment Bitch-slapping, Obama realized he wasn't the Rockstar Holy One Awesome Messiah he once was.
Like an unwatched pot, Benghazi began to boil over. New hearings were held and more damning information came out. Even more damning information (such as giving Stinger surface-to-air missiles to Libyan rebels linked to Al-whatthefuckever) was seeping to the surface.
Treason has some pretty stiff penalties, including the death penalty. Obviously, nobody in the White House or Cabinet wants to be jailed or executed over this, so they screamed "SQUIRREL!"
New Scandal.
AP-Gate, which was done after Holder found a judge willing to sign off on the wiretap warrants (he had to do some looking, but found one willing to ignore the 4th Amendment on his third try). The lame "let's have a discussion with the press on freedom of the press, off the record and behind closed doors" offer did little to smooth ruffled feathers. But it did distract people from Benghazi for a little bit.
IRS-Gate. Using a government agency to deliberately harass and keep political opponents from establishing charitible and educational groups clearly breaks the law. The absolute arrogance of Lois Lerner proudly proclaiming her innocence, then taking the 5th Amendment only hints how far this scandal goes. The former acting head of the IRS, Steven Miller, went to the White House over 150 times--more than the Secretaries of Defense, State and Homeland Security COMBINED---but only remembers Easter. Please don't try telling me the targeting of conservatives was an isolated thing done by "rogue agents acting on their own." After all, no Democrat/Left leaning organizations received the same scrutiny.
NSA-Gate. Gathering data on MILLIONS of Verizon users, again in the name of "national security interests." As time goes on, we're learning it's not only Verizon users who are being targeted--just about everyone who goes online is a potential terrorist according to the NSA and Obama. So much for the Fourth Amendment.
When you read the scant list of events, you see a pattern of political and personal abuse of power. The people put Obama in office. The people are waking up and if the legal process doesn't remove this corrupt administration and the bureaucrats for these scandals...the people will.
I'll probably get put on a NSA list for this post, but I'm merely pointing out the obvious anger Americans have.
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