Saturday, June 22, 2013
Let's have MEANINGFUL immigration reform.
Immigration reform is a hot-button topic that keeps being put on the back-burner. Now Obama wants immigration reform (as a means of making us forget Benghazi, Fast and Furious, AP-Gate, EPA-Gate, IRS-Gate and NSA-Gate).
How would I go about implementing MEANINGFUL immigration reform?
First, I would absolutely secure the borders.
One of the defining features of a nation is the ability to secure its borders. Every other nation secures its borders one way or another. Mexico secures its southern border. A few years back, (then) President Vicente Fox bragged about sending 250,000 illegal immigrants back "to their families and communities." Nobody said a word about that. Yet when America seeks to secure its borders, we magically become a nation of selfish racist bastards.
How would I secure the borders? Take a lesson from history and build a suitable wall/fence. History proves the Iron Curtain/Berlin Wall kept millions of deprived, greedy capitalists from acquiring unearned benefits of socialism during the Cold War. If such security can keep highly-intelligent capitalists from breaching the inner sanctum of Marxism-socialism-communism (whatever ism), then it should work fine here in the USA.
Second would be deporting illegals. Every one of them, no exception, no excuses. No nation wants trouble-makers or those who could not support themselves. This includes children born on US soil to illegal immigrants. Being born here to non-citizens does NOT make them citizens in my book. Deportation has been done before. Look up "Operation Wetback" on Wikipedia.
Eleven million illegals will not be deported instantly, but they can be deported. That's up to eleven million jobs available for Americans. That was the justification for Operation Wetback then...it can be done again--Democrats were the ones who pushed Operation Wetback, so it's not even "racist."
Third would be to streamline the current process. I'm NOT saying shortcut the process, but streamline it for efficiency.
Along those lines would be a "fast track" to citizenship. That track is an oldie, but a goodie. Military service. Those who arrive on visas who wish to become citizens and who can pass the entrance requirements should be given citizenship upon completing 5 years of military service or being awarded the Purple Heart. (France offers citizenship to members of the Foreign Legion after five years of service or being wounded in combat.) I feel anyone who offers their life, limbs and sanity for this country should damned well be allowed to live here!
Fourth would be to ensure immigrants spoke and wrote English. English has been the standard language BEFORE America became a nation. During the massive immigration of the 1800's, immigrants who did not speak English learned it and spoke it with pride as a sign of being an American.
Some friends of mine are naturalized citizens. They vehemently oppose granting amnesty as it cheapens the work they put into learning American history, English and obeying the rules.
We CAN have meaningful immigration reform.
But only if we have the guts to do it right.
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