Saturday, June 8, 2013

Impeachment in 2015

     In light of the current scandals (felonies), Americans are now wondering how we can get Obama out of office. The easiest way was subverted in November of 2012. Obama was reelected only through using the IRS to harass Tea Party organizations, the media bending over forwards for Obama, and naturally lots of untraceable money to pay for voter fraud (one woman in Ohio boasted of voting for Obama 6 TIMES).
     The simplest chance to remove the incompetent Obama/Biden team and replace it with competency has been lost.
     Face it America, we're stuck with Obama until 2015 at the best. Even some in the media are saying "Impeach him!"
    I'm all for impeachment, but let's do this properly. First, we must gather evidence. This will not be easy given the constant delays, pleadings of the 5th, etc. from the Obama team. But the evidence must be properly gathered. It must be properly presented. All the requirements must be met before impeachment can begin. It took over two years to impeach Richard Nixon.
     Impeachment can succeed ONLY upon having 67 votes in the Senate. Get those 67 votes and Obama gets told to pack up and move out. Bye-bye Secret Service protection, $400,000+ lifetime pension, etc.
     Right now, we do not have 67 votes because of career Democrats like Schumer and Feinstein will not vote to impeach Obama--even if/when the evidence PROVES he broke the law. They're blindly loyal to their fellow Democrats, and nothing will change it.
     In 2014, we have the chance to change that.
     The only way to do it is get rid of EVERY Democrat in office and replace them with Republicans, Libertarians or right-leaning independents. Do not replace one Democrat for another, for there is NO DEMOCRAT PARTY anymore. It's the Socialist/Communist Party of America.
    That is the ONLY way to remove Obama from office, LEGALLY in 2015.
    Some will ask, "Why should we trade an arrogant incompetent for the court jester?"
    Good question. Joe Biden is not exactly the best person to put in the White House. But he is the legal person to put in--unless its confirmed he deliberately leaked the information that led to the death of 17 Navy SEALs in Afghanistan. Then he can be impeached/removed.
    Americans are slowly getting fed up with Obama/Biden and their constant abuses of the Constitution and power. They're sending a definite message to them with purchasing arms and ammunition. Obama will leave office, one way or another.
    Given the building scandals (Benghazi, AP-Gate, IRS-Gate, EPA-Gate, NSA-Gate) and the fact this is just the tip of the iceberg. I think November 2014 will see such an outpouring of conservative voters sick and tired of being pushed around, it will make the 1994 'Republican Revolution' look like a sorority pillow-fight.
     If we do this right, starting in January 2015, we will start the process to keep Obama from receiving a  lifetime pension and lifetime protection for a job lousily done.

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