Friday, June 14, 2013

Sleep well America.

    Obama wants to give Syrian rebels arms and "limited" military aid. What could go wrong as we have The Most Awesome Holy Rockstar Messiah Nanny-Daddy President calling the shots?
     First off, let's look at the obvious: Taking part in a civil war (enforcing a no-fly zone and arming one side) IS AN ACT OF WAR. Period. Isn't it ironic our Nobel Peace Prize-bearing Rockstar Messiah is perfectly willing to wage war to distract the standard low-information Dimocrap voter from the current scandals (uncharged FELONY crimes)?
     According to Obama, we don't have the money to allow the Blue Angels and Thunderbird flight demonstration teams to fly. How the hell are we going to pay for 24-7 flights over a country sporting some of the latest, greatest anti-aircraft defenses?
     But yet, we have the money to arm the Syrian rebels. While dropping a few crates of rifles and ammunition would be useful, it's been noted the rebels need anti-tank and anti-aircraft capabilities. So we give them "second rate" stuff (possibly taken from LIBYAN ARMY facilities, but Obama doesn't want to talk about BENGHAZI) such as the RPG-7 (rocket propelled grenade) and SA-7 "Strella" anti-aircraft missile. These items could bite the USA and the non-Muslim world right in the ass.
     The RPG is a tanker's nightmare. Depending on what warhead is fitted to the rocket, it can blast a hole through 15-30 inches of RHA (Rolled Homogenous Armor--one piece steel) at ranges of up to 300 meters. They are cheap to make, you can teach the village idiot how to use one in 10 minutes (5 if you have a time crunch) AND you can even rig the rocket warhead for use in a "mechanical ambush" (boobytrap that shoots the rocket). This weapon gives M1 tankers nightmares because contrary to popular belief, the M1 series of tanks are NOT immune to this weapon. All it takes is a little guts and a steady hand.
     The SA-7 "Strella" is a man-portable surface to air missile. With a range of about 3 miles, it can take out jet aircraft or helicopter in a heartbeat. While it's a bit harder to use compared to the RPG, it can be done quickly and used to great effectiveness.
    That's just the "second rate crap."
    With Syrian rebels are aligning with the Al-Queda (however you spell it, it still means "jerkoff wife beaters and goat humpers to me), how do we tell the factions that want nothing to do with Assad AND Al-Queda from the factions who love Al-Queda?
    Obama's solution? "Trust me."
    Easy for him to say. The One Rockstar Holy Messiah travels around in an armored limousine, flies in an airliner with absolute state of the art protection and has a retinue of Secret Service agents ready to die saving his worthless life if needed. I note 99.99% of America (and most non-Muslim citizens) do not enjoy this level of protection and are exceptionally vulnerable to these weapons.
     Syria has chemical weapons. WHO will control them once Assad is removed? Does our Holy Rockstar Messiah Daddy-Mommy Fearless Nanny-state Leader REALLY think he's going to go on TV, make an impassioned plea and take control of the weapons? If he believes that, he's dumber than even I imagined. In reality, the groups are going to laugh at him and do what they damned well please. They still have Jihad to make and if Obama gets his way, they will have "The poor man's nuke." (chemical weapons)
    Sleep well, America.

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