For the past few years a "racist" has evolved from one who despised a person or group based upon race to "anyone who disagrees with Barack Obama's policies."
Racist no longer has the "sting" or "stigma" it once had, thanks to millions of mind-numbed Obama worshippers who have misused and overused the word "racist."
NOTE: The method of "address" will go from "commentator" to "speaking to a liberal Obama worshipper."
These words are NOT MEANT for Conservatives.
But if you worship Obama, they're for you.
You call the Republican Party, the Tea Party, and Conservative movements "racists."
I can define the DEMOCRAT party as far worse.
First off, there is no DEMOCRAT party. You bastards have taken up the rallying cry of COMMUNISM, though they hide behing the equally odious names of "Progressive" "Socialist" and "DEMOCRAT."
The Democrat platform is Communist, through and through. Obama calls for a "redistribution of wealth." Marx said goods and services will be distributed "each according to their needs and abilities."
Which party endorsed Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996, Al Gore in 2000, John Kerry in 2004 and Barack Hussein Obama in 2008 and 2012? The Communist Party of the USA. Birds of a feather flock together and shit all over everything that is good and decent about America.
So you choose a foreign ideology that relies upon lies, intimidation and has to be forced upon the people. The ideology DOES NOT WORK and yet you go on believing it is the thing for America. You are a COMMUNIST. That is the "nicest" thing I can say about you. Wear your cutesy Che Guevara shirt with pride when you start your little wet-dream fantasy revolution--the star makes a GREAT aiming point.
You still want to call us "racists?" Here's something commonly associated with DEMOCRATS.
The Conservative movement is not associated with child molesters. To be fair, pedophiles abound in just about every walk of life. But there is a difference. When one is discovered in the Republican side of politics, we get rid of them. We despise child molesters and have no "tolerance" for them.
You DEMOCRATS accept them in the name of "showing tolerance" or some such crap. If you "accept them" soooo much, why not let a pedophile DEMOCRAT take your kids camping for the weekend? Why not let them stay overnight with a pedophile? Or how about a quiet pajama party? Bet your tolerance doesn't go that far, does it? Or if it does, what does this say about your "committment" to "the children" you allegedly love?
Guess which group of pedophiles endorsed your Savior and Messiah, Barack Hussein Obama?
NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association.
Your Savior and Messiah has been endorsed by child-molesters. Way to go, Democrats. You got some real winners in your corner! (sarcasm)
But we're the "racists" for pointing that out, right?
"Useful Idiots" is a term often attributed to Vladimir Lenin, one of the icons of Communism. Useful Idiots are easily led fools who would NEVER support a goal if they truly knew what it was. (Example, John McCain sometimes supports Obama, possibly in the belief Obama wants to do the right thing for America. But in reality, Obama wants to destroy America and all it stands for.)
Today, "Useful Idiots" are known as "Low-information voters." The "Low Information Voter" is someone who supports DEMOCRATS, but cannot give a serious intellectual reason behind it, such as "economic policy." Politics has to be kept simple for them. If they aren't attracted to the DEMOCRAT party, they won't vote. If they are given too much information, they might realize DEMOCRAT and COMMUNIST are one and the same and join the GOP, Tea Party or Libertarians. "Hope" and "Change" were the big campaign slogans in 2008. "Foward" was the biggie in 2012.
What does this say about your intellect? It doesn't say much because if you researched the issues and cast a different vote, America would be a much better place to live.
I've labeled you "COMMUNIST," "PEDOPHILE LOVERS" and "USEFUL IDIOTS" and proven my points.
But let's get back to "racism."
Prove our "racism" if you dare. We have Dr. Benjamin Carson, Herman Cain, Allen West, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz. Republicans put African-Americans into Congress in the 1870's.
You DEMOCRATS had to wait until 1935 to do it.
History proves me right on this one too.
Must really suck being a communist, pedophile supporting useful idiot that is so racist its about 60 years behind the Republicans.
Quod erat demonstratum--the facts speak for themselves, and the facts are on my side.
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