Tonight, I'll share a few thoughts why INTEGRITY is one of the most vital things to consider in a President.
The President is SUPPOSED to set the example for his subordinates (i.e. staff), government officials and ultimately the American people.
Integrity summed up:
Tell the truth--even if it costs you. Better to tell an unpleasant truth now than get caught in a lie later. An unpleasant truth/'reality check' can be forgiven. A lie cannot be untold.
Accept responsibility for your actions and the actions of subordinates working under your direction. Don't try to weasel out of it by using phrases,"I was taken out of context" or "I was misquoted."
Stand up for what is RIGHT, not "what is politically expedient."
Stick to your agenda. Change it ONLY if it is illogical or factually wrong. (ex. "Gun control works." Then you learn it DOESN'T work and change your stand. This shows you're not afraid of facts.)
Expect your subordinates to follow your lead.
Make the best decision with the best information available. The Presidency is about being the go-to guy for making decisions, such as military raids and such.
How can we tell if a President has integrity?
First, by his choice of Cabinet members. Were they picked for their expertise/education in a particular field (ex. A school teacher selected for Secretary of Education), or were they picked because of race, gender, religion? Or were they picked because nobody else wanted the job?
If they were picked for the former, that means they probably have integrity and will follow the President's example. If not, you have a mess in Washington, DC.
Take, for instance, Former SecState Clinton.
What did she DO to earn the Secretary of State seat? Did she negotiate peace somewhere? Or is she there because she's a woman and Obama needs the woman's vote?
What did we get?
Nothing. We got absolutely nothing.
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