Our beloved Holy Messianistic Fuhrer, Barack Obama decided today that if neccessary, America would "go it alone" in Syria. The Awesome Rockstar also said "there would be no 'boots on the ground'" should we have to bomb the crap out of Syria.
Pardon me for bringing up Bush, but didn't Our Most Omnipotent Wookie shagger say words to the effect that "Bush was responsible for the decline of respect of America with his bombings"? Didn't Obama also infer he had sufficient foreign policy "experience" because he had lived overseas as a child? And didn't he also say that the world would LOVE Obama and the Muslims would no longer attack America because Der Lord und Savior Obama willed it?
I'm sorry for bringing up Il Douche's words.
Don't say I'm a racist for mentioning that. I've heard it before and the liberal's use of the R-word has made it null and void.
I'd like to bring up a few technical points, since The All-Knowing, All-Seeing Il Douche won't.
First is the use of chemical weapons. It's STANDARD DOCTRINE IN ALL ARMIES to give your troops notice you're going to be popping off a chemical weapon. This gives them time to put on gas masks (personal protective masks for us military types), and their chemical suits. You can put on a mask and achieve a proper face-to-mask seal in 7-12 SECONDS, (depending on which mask you have).
So, why are there military casualties? Given that Syria (like any nation) has a finite number of troops or people they can take from the workforce, why would Assad kill his OWN troops? Why would he kill his own citizens?
Some will say he did it to blame on the "rebels."
But yet, using a chemical weapon crosses a line leading to sanctions, boycotts, diplomatic issues and ultimately war. Does anyone REALLY think Assad WANTS to start shooting at Americans?
Assad needs a bullet in his head, but not at this moment BECAUSE he's fighting those "rebels." "Rebels" from most Muslim countries--and Muslims from other countries--including AMERICA. "Rebels" with links to Al Qaida (whatever!).
The All-Idiotic Obama forgets "history." History shows that REBELS are those who LIVE in the country BEFORE the revolution, not show up afterwards. These "heroic rebel groups" are terrorists, pure and simple.
Now let's say Obama is stupid enough to ignore 94% of the American people DO NOT want America doing anything in, to, or against Syria. For purposes of blogging, Imagine when The Nobel Peace Prize Winner starts dropping bombs like 60's "hippies" dropped their pants.
Unless there's ABSOLUTE PROOF, verified by independent, reliable sources, we should be bombing the crap out of these so-called "rebels."
Rebels first, Assad later.
Remember the SEQUESTER? Yes, that budget-cutting, money saving device Obama was for before he was against it, or is that the other way around?
Il Douche gives the order, the planes should go out and drop their bombs.
Imagine the scene: Pilots return to base, all jubilant and proud for fighting "at Obama's behest" (yes, Obama did say that!) and head to debriefing.
"You were supposed to bomb this target HERE...not THERE. You bombed the shit out of the rebels!"
"Oops! The sequester cuts cut into our maintenance budget. The computer said we were HERE, not THERE."
"I turned on the cockpit light and there was a short in the system somewhere, because the bombs fell off the plane. I really hope no soldiers were hurt."
"I've been bombing Al Qaida for so long, I don't know how to bomb anyone else!"
And the classic all combat arms soldiers know...
"I'm a young second lieutenant..you know better to trust my overeducated, inexperienced ass with radios, GPS, maps, and BOMBS...."
Good article. Specially the end.