During a rountable forum with Tanzanian businessmen, one of them asked a question concerning domestic unrest in the U.S.
Our Vacationer-at-Large, the Holy Barack Messiah Rockstar Obama, had this to say about the Tea Party.
"Typically domestic terrorists in the U.S. are people who cling to obsolete believes from the time of the American Revolution."They are conservative Christians, reactionary Republicans and conspiracy theorists many of whom belong to racist hate groups.
"Tea Partiers commonly own guns and stock up ammunition and food in anticipation of anoither civil war to overthrow the will of the governing body that represents all the American people. We are prepared for any contingency and don't expect to see any kind of large insurrection. Americans are capitalists who are much more interested in seeing America move forward. These terrorist groups are small in size and really present little danger."
Let's take a GOOD look at what he said. Pay attention Liberals, you are about to get an education.
"Typically domestic terrorists in the U.S. are people who cling to obsolete believes from the time of the American Revolution."
What is so obsolete about Free speech? (1st Amendment) The right to keep and bear arms? (1st Amendment) The right not to have soldiers quartered in your home? (3rd Amendment) The right to privacy and not have your home searched without a warrant? (4th Amendment) The right not to self-incriminate (5th Amendment) The right to face your accusers in an OPEN court. The right to a speedy trial. (6th Amendment) The right to have civil claims over a certain amount tried by jury and for appeal. (7th Amendment) Protection against excessive bail, unreasonable fines and cruel and unusual punishment (8th Amendment) Rights not imagined or defined in the Bill of Rights are NOT to be denied the people (9th Amendment) And any powers not given to the federal government are reserved to the respective STATES or the people themselves (10th Amendment).
Clearly Obama, that self-declared "Constitutional Law Scholar" needs to read the Bill of Rights. According to His Wimpiness, holding to the Bill of Rights is the mark of a terrorist. Guess the Presidents before him were terrorists, as they actually honored their oath to protect the Bill of Rights.
"Conservative Christian? Conspiracy Theorist?"
These don't fit many Tea Partiers I know. The 1st Amendment grants freedom of RELIGION. I know there are conservative Christians, Wiccans, Pagans, Jews and many other religions in our ranks. We don't give a damn about who practices what religion. We are here to DEFEND AMERICA from the despicable rot that comes from complacency. We are AMERICANS.
"Reactionary Republican?"
Frankly, the Tea Party scares the shit out of the Republican Party. We hold ourselves to a stricter standard. For us, elected officials WORK FOR US, not the other way around. WE believe holding office is a sign of trust. It is a duty to be taken seriously, performed well, and was NEVER intended to be a career. If the Tea Party gets their way, we would have TERM LIMITS, to keep the fresh ideas coming in and citizens leaving before they get addicted to the money/power politics.
"Conspiracy theorists, many of whom belong to racist hate groups"
According to Barack Hussein Obama, a conspiracy theorist is someone who doesn't swallow the Obama Kool-Aid. Conspiracy theorists usually get it wrong, but on occasion, they DO get it so right it's frightening. There's left-wing conspiracy theorists also. Just mention the "grassy knoll" to them in a discussion of JFK and watch them start spewing their favorite theory.
Obama tends to overlook Sen. Ted Cruz (Hispanic) and Allen West (African-American/Black). They're Tea Partiers. There goes the 'racist' angle. All Obama has done is badmouth political opponents from abroad, behind a solid shield of personal bodyguards.
If the Tea Party is a terrorist organization, why hasn't Barack Hussein Obama (the man who KILLED Osama Bin Laden) declared us as such? Oh...guess we're NOT terrorists.
If the Tea Party is a terrorist organization, would the All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Bullshittingnest BITCH of all times, Barack Hussein Obama kindly list the attacks perpetrated by the Tea Party? None? Oh, looks like Obama knows nothing--again.
You can bet your life if you knew a terrorist that had SUCCESSFULLY attacked a Federal facility, you would be on a no-fly list, put on a Secret Service watch-list anytime The Biggest Asshole came to your town, have the NSA crawling up your phoneline with all its computers and be forbidden to own guns.
I don't know any terrorists. If anything, the Tea Party websites I go do do their BEST (believe it or not) to discourage violations of Title 18, Section 872 (pertaining to threats to the President). The Tea Party wants Obama out of office, make no mistake about that. To that end, we will do everything and anything LEGAL to make it so.
Barack Obama knows a terrorist. He's buddies with a guy named Bill Ayers. Bill Ayers bombed the Pentagon. Barack Obama uses his powers to target political opponents, like a terrorist. You see Barack Obama talking about "contingency" plans to "deal with them". (Bet your ass if I said I had a contingency plan, I'd be hearing a knock on my door.)
Who has a kill list?
Who has aided and abetted the murder of Americans overseas?
Who has tried repeatedly to muzzle and disarm Americans?
Barack Hussein Obama.
The greatest terrorist of all.
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