What I am about to say comes as no surprise.
America is in BIG trouble.
We have a President who couldn't lead a drunken sailor to a bar, much less a nation in crisis. Obama's constant failures leave no doubt that he is absolutely incompetent at best and dangerously subversive at worst. He spends his time denying the denials of the retractions of the denials and looking for something to distract the standard couch-potato, low-information voter that wants "free stuff" rather than FREEDOM.
Frankly, I've seen more leadership displayed from Basic Training Privates on their second day than I've seen from Obama and his Regime in the past four and a half YEARS!
We have an Attorney General who selectively enforces the law. (Hey, dumbass! The 'Lady Justice' statue has a blindfold to show the law is blind to race, creed, religion, etc.) The job is to oversee various law enforcement agencies to pursue JUSTICE, not a political agenda. Want proof? Go to a voting area with a club and threaten black voters. See how fast Attorney General Holder has you arrested. But when it came to the New Black Panther Party doing the same thing, he buried it.
We have a Vice President whose intellect wouldn't overload a bridge made from soggy toilet paper. Dumbass voters kept him in office and complete idiots put him one heartbeat away from the Presidency. If that happens, Joe Biden becomes:
A: The man with his finger on the nuclear trigger of the United States.
B: Control of the world's finest military.
C: The man people hope has an answer or a plan. (Since its Joe Biden, he's the man people hope he has a vague clue!)
D: All of the above.
Leon Panetta, the "Secretary of Defense" (I really gotta wonder whose ass he kissed for that promotion. I could do a better job than he--mainly because I'm a multi-service (Army and Navy) veteran and understand WHAT THE MISSION IS.
When Panetta says words to the effect of "We're not in the business of sending troops in harm's way when we don't know the situation," that tells me that boy probably doesn't know a muzzle from a buttplate. If battlefield commanders used this logic to hold back reinforcements to units in contact (attacking or defending), we would have a record worse than the French Army.
Ben Bernanke prints money and claims our economy is improving. Never has America had this long of a "recession," nor has America have millions more on welfare or drawing Social Security benefits EARLY.
Can you HONESTLY say America will remain the strong, proud, AND FREE nation it once was? Can you honestly say America will be better in 2016?
How can we stop the death spiral America is on?
First and foremost, we must have LEADERSHIP based on COMPETENCE, not popularity.
Competence/incompetence goes downhill. If a leader is competent, his followers will be competent. If a leader is INcompetent, that incompetency will show in his subordinates.
Compare Obama to ANY President in American History. I don't think the level of incompetence, corruption, disdain/disrespect/disregard for the Constitution from past Presidens can match Obama's.
Second, we must follow the Constitution.
It's the instruction manual on how to properly run the United States of America. Clearly Obama cannot read the directions (because it's cursive?), and refuses to let someone read the directions to him.
Obama/Biden MUST GO. The Constitution shows us how to remove bad leaders--LEGALLY. We THE PEOPLE must put the pressure on the House and Senate to investigate the "scandals" (felony crimes) and if the fingers point to Obama/Biden, impeach them, get them out of office before they do more harm.
To this end, we must push the House and Senate toshow some BALLS (or intestinal fortitude) and begin the proceedings.
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