Sunday, December 23, 2018

Facebook "Community Standards."

I am posting this as I received another "Facebook Ban" from those purveyors of "free speech."
What I posted:

"I received a notice that a post made 3 YEARS AGO violated community standards and was removed."

I posted "I made a comment about ISIS and how "sympathy" falls between "shit and syphilis" and that I had none for ISIS. It's okay to kill ISIS, but not okay to degrade them? Heaven forbid I have angry feelings towards terrorists who kill Americans, encourage the killing of Americans and support the killing of Americans. 

Bet your ass if I'd said something derogatory about any Conservative, Republican or Libertarian, Facebook would have applauded me for my wit and done nothing. Makes you wonder who's in charge of their "Community Standards." Sharia-law adherents? Democrats? Communists?

Makes me wonder if some enemies of America work for Facebook on their "Community Standards" team.

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