Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Why YOU should be concerned about Voter Fraud

     Why should you be concerned about "voter fraud" happening--especially in "other states?"
    Let's look at what voter fraud TRULY is.
    An election goes by the simple rule of "Majority of votes decides who wins the elected office."
   In THEORY, the party with the best or most popular candidate (or the best/most popular campaign platform) would win the majority of the votes and therefore earn the right to LEAD or GOVERN our nation.
   The Democrats always say they respect "the will of the people" when they win an election. They proclaim, "WE have a MANDATE" and all that. But what happens when they cannot get a majority of the voters on their side?
   They create them.
   So far, one Senator, Martha McSally of Arizona has lost the race because of a slew of votes.
   In Georgia, Gubernatorial candidate Stacey Adams (D) is overcoming an insurmountable margin.
  In Florida, Rick Scott (R) and Bill Nelson are in a tight race for Senator. In Broward Country, all sorts of ballots are magically being found and Nelson is "conveniently" catching up.
   When a party resorts to cheating to win, what are they saying? They are saying, "You don't count. Shut up. We don't care about anything except the power to further control you."
   That's why they are willing to risk prison sentences. For the power.
   It's not about "who gets to make the rules." It's about making sure the LAWFULLY ELECTED PEOPLE get to make those rules. If you don't care about that, fine. Just don't whine when someone makes a law you don't like and voter fraud was ignored.

   Since 2016, President Trump has nominated TWO Supreme Court Justices. This return to Constitutional law upsets Democrats, who know the laws they managed to get through before will face the 'litmus test" of, "Is this law Constitutional?" Democrats have a different perception (to put it politely) about what is "Constitutional."
   The ability to write/interpret laws to their liking is the PRIME goal of getting their candidates in. First they will reinterpret "hate speech" into "anything they don't like and with a Supreme Court that doesn't understand/respect/follow the Constitution, that law will be declared "Constitutional" and there will be no repeal of that.
   Part of gaining power is to tax citizens. Democrats have never voted "no" on tax hikes. Give them enough power, they will tax you back into the poorhouse. Think you can fight a tax hike with a lawsuit? They could/would own the court.
   Along with those laws the Democrats love, gun control. If they had their way, only police, military, "SELECT" citizens and possibly Hollywood would have guns. Think you'll fight a gun law with their "stacked" Supreme Court? Remember, THEY could/would own the court.

   Voter Fraud is a tool of taking power. Ignore the little people and smother their REAL vote with a dozen fake ones. They only need to get enough candidates in to make the laws they want. Democrats learned the hard way in 1946 why it's important to make the laws as fast as they can. (Hence the cry for "gun control" in 2018.)

   In 1946, in Athens, TN, servicemen were routinely robbed (under the guise of "arrested and fined") by the local "Sheriff" They got sick of that and put up their own party to remove the Democrat-backed Sheriff.
   Here's the link: Battle of Athens

  When the ballots were taken into the jail under armed "guard," the GIs had enough and took up arms to seize the ballots and count them publicly. The Democrats learned citizens with guns aren't going to put up with BS.
   They haven't forgotten that.

   Seventy-two years later, they demand more Gun Control, because the Second Amendment is the FINAL method of restoring freedom.
   They haven't forgotten that either.

  They know leaving guns in the hands of CITIZENS is a grave threat to their power. They made that mistake in 1946.

  They won't make the same mistake again.

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